Hello There!
This is Osman. a.k.a. Oguz, Os, Ahsen or whichever way you prefer to call him; he really doesn't mind! Osman was born in the (arguably) beautiful city Ankara, which is part of the (inarguably) gorgeous country Turkey!
Osman has started his educational journey in Germany about 25 years ago, and hasn't stopped since then. After finishing Ankara Science High School, he obtained his BS degree from Electrical and Electronics Engineering department at the Bilkent University in 2010. Then, he stepped into the wild world of MIT. He received his MS and PhD degrees from the EECS department in 2013 and 2018, respectively. Afterwards he worked as the Director of Research at the Tearney Laboratory at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He oversaw research teams, managed critical research projects, maintained lab's IP portfolio and helped with commercialization efforts of mature technologies. Currently he is a Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, learning about all things related to business management.
Osman also likes outdoors. He jumps to every opportunity that will keep him active. He is in complete astonishment of what mother nature offers to the enjoyment of its inhabitants. Osman is in a platonic relationship with his backpack and travels around one national park and one country at a time.